Final Exams

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 Final Examination Schedule

 Final Examination Policy

  • Final Examinations may not be given during a regularly-scheduled class period.
  • No examination shall be permitted during the reading period.
  • Final Examinations may be rescheduled only with the permission of the dean.
  • No student shall be required to take more than two final examinations in a twenty-four hour period. A student having three or more final examinations scheduled during a twenty-four hour period may request the instructor of the course most easily rescheduled (normally the course with the smallest enrollment) to reschedule the examination for that individual. The request shall be made no later than two weeks before the last class day.
  • A student who has a conflict between a final examination and a religious observation may request that the instructor reschedule that student’s examination. The request shall be made no later than two weeks before the last class day.
  • For the resolution of any problem pertaining to the scheduling of final examinations, a student should consult with the following entities or persons in this order: the relevant instructor, the department chair, the Dean or designee. If the matter cannot be resolved at the school or college, the student should contact the Office of the Provost.

