Testing and Evaluation

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Testing and Evaluation Services within the Office of the University Registrar coordinates machine scanning and scoring of tests, online administration of faculty/course evaluation surveys, and other measurement services. 

Quick Links:  Evaluations  -  Testing  -  Contact

Faculty/Course Evaluations

Testing and Evaluation Services provides central support, including online administration of faculty/course evaluations, survey form design, survey reminders via email invitations, and summary report access. There is no direct cost to the school. Faculty may view their end-of-semester reports via ce.miami.edu. Faculty/course evaluation results will be available at the end of each term when final grades are released to students in CaneLink. Custom report features are available to designated administrators in the colleges and schools. Students can complete surveys at their convenience online or via their smart phones or mobile devices without any special set-up. Survey responses are anonymous. Student names or e-mail addresses cannot be connected to any survey data. No survey results are released to faculty until after final grades are posted.

Now Available

You can now see all the faculty and courses that were evaluated in the previous term via the CoursEval portal. Sign on to ce.miami.edu and do as follows:

1. From the Reports menu, select Search Results.

2. In the Search For box, you may search by entering a course number, a name, or an instructor's name and then click the Search button. You may also enter a new search criteria by clicking on the Change Filter located on the upper right side of the screen. 

Test Scoring

Testing and Evaluation Services operates optical mark sense readers for scoring multiple choice tests. The standard UM test scoring forms allow up to 200 test items with a maximum of five choices per item.

Scanning Procedures

Request for Scantron Form

NEW: Introducing DigitalDesk InstructorTools

DigitalDesk InstructorTools is a comprehensive classroom management tool for exams, assignments, and collaboration. Faculty now have the ability to log in through a secure portal to manage exams, add bonus points, curve grades, generate useful reports, and so much more. We invite you to learn how to use InstructorTools via these guides and training videos—plus, visualize the reports experience.


  • instructortools.miami.edu
    • Important: To log into DigitalDesk InstructorTools, you'll need to be on the University of Miami's network via either (a) being on campus or (b) being connected via the University's Virtual Private Network (VPN) while remote. To download the University's VPN, please visit it.miami.edu/vpn, scroll down to the "Get It Here" section, and then click "installation instructions." Please follow these instructions to install the VPN on your device(s).

User Guides


Accordion Group

Visualize the Reports

Answer Key analysis report shows how the answer key was interpreted by the system.

Comprehensive exam analysis includes: STD, Cronbach’s Alpha, Point Biserial Correlation, Distractor Analysis, and more.

Graphs showing correct response frequency by item and score distribution.

Complete class roster score report.

Individual student score reports with customizable dispaly options.

Export to CSV for additional analysis and import into gradebooks.


Phone: 305-284-2450

Email: onlineevals@miami.edu (Faculty/Course Evaluations)

Email: testeval@miami.edu (Scanning and Scoring)
